Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Your Blessing Is Not Seasonal

I was in my kitchen one Sunday morning preparing my second cup of coffee and like every Sunday morning when we wake up and as we get ready for church we had a CD playing. I don’t even remember what CD, but it was a mixed one, with different praise selections. And as I was pouring the cream, a Christmas song came on; it was Donnie McClurkin singing “Hark The Herald Angels Sing.” And I remember thinking to myself, ‘what in the world; I forgot that song was on there.’ And as I went to go and skip it, I thought about a few days ago when I heard another Christmas song, “O Holy Night,” which was playing on my Zune. And I remember thinking, ‘I thought I got rid of that.’

And then I remembered a week before, where we were playing music in between services at the church, and another Christmas song came one, “Who Would Imagine A King.” And while I might have thought I had control of the other two songs playing, I heard the Holy Spirit say, “You are not in control. You had no control over that one.” (As my daughter Brandi had made this CD and had played it). Then I said to myself, “Huh… ok.. What is with all this Christmas music?”

Then the conversation began (be careful of the questions you ask and thinking you’re in control, God has a way of showing you otherwise). Anyway, I heard God say, “What’s wrong with Christmas music? You’re always talking about it’s always Christmas. How much you love it. So what’s the problem with the music?” And I walked right into it and answered, “Yes, Lord, but it’s summer.” And then He said this, “And?…” And me continuing, said, “It’s not the Christmas season.” And God answered, “Jesus was born. Jesus IS born. And because He is born, Christmas is every day. You should not be locking into a season.” Then He continued, “Because He is born you can have victory, healing, prosperity and everything that He was born to give you EVERY DAY.” And immediately I was convicted and just said, “Sorry Lord.” (Thank God for wisdom!)

Then the Lord continued, He said this, “That we as a people put too many things in a season. It’s spring, it’s summer, it’s fall, it’s winter. It’s the Christmas season, it’s the Easter season. We get excited when people tell us it’s your season to be blessed. Your blessing is not conditioned upon the season.” He said, “Every day can be your season to be blessed. Stop putting your blessing in a box. Stop putting your blessing in a season. Jesus IS born.

In the midst of the season, in the midst of whatever it is you seem to be going through, it can still be your season to be blessed, because Jesus IS born. Every day IS Christmas. Every day is whatever season you want it to be. Whatever season you make it to be. It’s dependent on you. Jesus already did His part.”

The Bible says in Psalm 1, and I am paraphrasing, but “Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor sits in the seat of the wicked. Blessed is the man who delights and meditates on the Word day and night. For he is like a tree planted by the water, bearing fruit EACH season. Like a tree whose leaves never wither and who prospers in ALL they do.” That’s not seasonal. That’s daily. That’s all the time. And that’s the Word.

God said if we delight in His word, we take joy in it, treasure it, value what Jesus WAS born to do… we shall be like that tree and bear fruit all the time. It’s not seasonal. And it’s not just because it’s Christmas. It’s not just because it’s spring... It’s not just because a preacher tells us that God said it’s our season and we get to run around the church. It’s every day. Daily. Every day is your season.

God said, “Do not limit Me. Do not put Me in a season. Yeah I know it’s summer but I am God of the summer. I am God of the winter. I am God of the seasons AND I AM NOT a seasonal God so there is no reason for you to have a seasonal blessing. Jesus IS born.”

And with that, if you come by my house (or by our church) and you happen to hear “Christmas” music, just lift up your hands and say “Thank You Lord for blessing me.”

God is real all the time, even in the summer.

Be blessed.

A servant of the Lord,

Sis. E

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