I have often said how much God uses songs to inspire me, to motivate me. He uses them as reminders when I get a certain place, I don’t need to be. And a few years back I actually wrote about this and how “Music Is the Voice of God,” (inspired by yet another song) and today is no different.
Upon reflecting on God and His goodness and how we as the Body of Christ often don’t do a good job of speaking about it, I was reminded of a gospel song. “I Honor You” a song sung by Bishop T.D. Jakes and the Potter’s House Mass Choir. It’s a simple song that says, ‘I honor You right now. Honor You right now. Honor you right now. Just because You’re God…. I worship You, right now, Jesus… Just because You’re God… I glorify Your name, right now… Just because You’re God.’
The point is this: just because He is God, we honor Him. Just because He is God, we worship Him. Just because He is God, we glorify His name. We don’t need any other reason to do it, we do it just because He’s God. He’s worthy, just because He is God. He didn’t have to wake you up this morning, but He did. Just because He is God. He didn’t have to bring you over the roads, but He did, just because He is God. He didn’t have to bless you today, He didn’t have to keep you, He didn’t have to deliver you, to heal you. But He did, just because He is God.
You don’t need a reason to praise Him, you praise Him just because He is God. He alone is God. He is your Creator, He is your way maker. He is a sun and a shield. He is your protector. He is Jehovah-Jireh, your provider. He is God. He is your Rock. He is your very present help. He is Emmanuel, God with us. He is the Hope of Glory. The lifter of your head. He is your Redeemer. He is Master, Savior. He is the great and mighty God. He is God. And just because He is God, you ought to praise Him.
God, I honor You right now. Right now! I‘m not going to wait for my healing, I honor You right now. I’m not going to wait for you to vindicate me, I honor You right now. I am not going to wait for a blessing, I’m already blessed. I’m not going to wait for my victory, I’ve already got it! I honor You right now. Just because You are God.
I am reminded of another song by John P. Kee. He sings, ‘There’s only two times to praise Him… when you feel it and when you don’t.’ You don’t need a reason, just do it, because He is God.
I will praise the Lord while I yet have my being, the Scripture says. And I’m going to do it right now. Just because He’s God.
And He’s real.
A servant of the Lord,
Sis. E
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